Friday, February 18, 2011

Inaugural post

I have a long and storied history of starting blogs, making one or two posts, and never coming back.  So let me make it abundantly clear that I may do the same thing here.

The goal of this blog is simply to give me a place to record my occasional victories working in the fields of build and packaging management.  I've discovered that this is one of the most challenging software disciplines, and I suspect that this is due to the ratios involved.  One build or packaging manager can support a development team of thirty or more, which right there means the ratio of general devs to those with real build/package experience is 30:1.  Further, there are many general devs who are pressed into build/package management and treat it as a peripheral task, and never become specialized in the field.  Finally, the very few of us who have been immersed in one or both of these disciplines for any length of time are (in my experience) incredibly pressed for time, so the number of useful resources on the interwebs is almost non-existent. 

So anyway -- I may just have these first two posts, or I may return again someday when I've lost an entire day to something which should've been dead simple had the tools we use been designed correctly.  If anything here is of assistance to you, I'm happy to have helped.

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